Phoenix publications is working and assisting to research scholars, Professors for publishing their original pure research work, its working at National & International level. We are publishing in English, Hindi with also regional Language.
Phoenix publications are working on specially for creating online profile of the researcher for the maintain security of their data which published by him, its security of these authors or researchers for their research work against plagiarism and copyrights. Where they update their
research work for life time; we will provide one link of their profile where all research information available on one click, and they show every time to everybody anywhere, now a day’s its need for the every researchers.
Also we are creating online profiles at following websites:
To making modern to every researcher, its advantages are every researcher will be get his data securely at online platform.
With this approach, the publication also aims to reflect the outcomes of the major global research in social sciences, humanities, commerce, management, sciences, technology and medical and allied sciences, engineering related to researches, relevant theoretical contributions, and monographs’ reviews, which have contributed to the creation of knowledge related to the broad field of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. Jointly and in a multidisciplinary way, Phoenix publications pretends to achieve critical and scientific debate based on evidences that contribute to the theoretical and empirical knowledge. With a free access and digital broadcasting, the publications aspire to include a multidisciplinary view of multidisciplinary branches.